Collection: Aquarius

Co-ruled by Saturn & Uranus, Aquarians must express their creative  individuality. Independent yet interconnected is how they feel and often behave. Intellectual, original, and edgy, they’re often altruistic and sociable with postconventional awareness. Aquarians evolve when they realize that their evolution is also humanity’s, that serving the greater whole must be at the heart of their power.

Astral Energy: Visionary Creativity
Color: Turquoise
Element: Air
Day: Saturday
Ruling Planets: Saturn & Uranus

Those born with The Sun, The Moon or Rising Sign in Aquarius walk to their own drumbeat. They’re brilliant, shy or gregarious, open-minded collaborators. Visionaries at heart, they feel called to make the impossible possible. Bathe, contemplate being a drop and the ocean at once. Soak up astral energies of any planet that inspires you.


Emotions are things to think about, not things you feel. Rigid and inflexible when challenged, that vast visionary mind can be myopically fixed. Bathe in the true freedom that’s ever changing. Soak up astral energies of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and The Moon to expand, harmonize and connect to your self-love and emotions respectively.