Collection: Virgo

The earthy side of Mercury, Virgos are body and health conscious, practical, precise, orderly and capable. Virgos evolve when they grow beyond the separation at the heart of the critical analysis of self and others, realizing instead, a divine form of inclusiveness and tolerance of themselves and the world experienced as unity.


Astral Energy: Analysis, Order
Color: Brown
Element: Earth
Day: Wednesday
Ruling Planet: Mercury

Those born with The Sun, The Moon or Rising Sign in Virgo are called to serve the betterment of humanity. Sensitive to the needs of others, they can intuit how to heal, help and serve best. Strengthen these qualities by celebrating your humanity while bathing in the energies of Mercury, Venus and The Sun.


Imbalanced Virgos can be obsessed with perfection, and become neurotic worriers about outcomes they can’t control. The critique of all things from the eye of wisdom devolves into hypocritical projections that loved ones must bear. Draw a bath, let go of control and relax into your loving, albeit messy, humanity by soaking up astral energies that calm, center and inspire you like Lavender, Cedarwood, Fir Balsam and Bee Balm.

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